Membership to use the Gym 5am-3pm on weekdays & 12pm-8pm at the weekends.
Full use of the club, all opening hours, 7 days a week, for one person.
2 people signed up together for Full Membership. (£34.99 per person).
Pay for a year up front and receive a 10% discount on Individual membership and 15% discount on Joint/family memberships.
Full membership for a family of 3 for £99.99 per month (£33.33 per person) or family of 4 for £129.99 (£32.50 per person).
Monthly memberships are paid via direct debit & carry a 4 month minimum term. We require 1 full months notice to cancel memberships. You must be 18+ to take out a Direct Debit with us. 16+ can join the Gym unsupervised (parents to set up Direct Debit). 14/15 Year olds can use the Gym with an adult as part of a joint/family membership. Up front payments are non refundable. T's & C's apply.
OPEN 5am-10pm Weekdays & 6am-8pm Weekends
LIFT Gym, Old Stratford Local Centre, Falcon Drive, Old Stratford, Milton Keynes, MK19 6FG
please email